Data Values


Blocks with IDs in red ID cannot be directly obtained in Survival without cheating.

ID Block
0 Air
1 Stone
2 Grass
3 Dirt
4 Cobblestone
5 Planks
6 Sapling
7 Bedrock
8 Water
9 Stationary Water
10 Lava
11 Stationary Lava
12 Sand
13 Gravel
14 Gold Ore
15 Iron Ore
16 Coal Ore
17 Wood
18 Leaves
19 Sponge
20 Glass / Window
21 Lapis Lazuli Ore
22 Lapis Lazuli Block
23 Dispenser
24 Sandstone
25 Note Block
26 Bed
27 Powered Rail
28 Detector Rail
29 Sticky Piston
30 Cobweb
31 Tall Grass Block
32 Dead Bush
33 Piston
34 Piston Head
35 Wool
36 Piston Extension
37 Dandelion
38 Rose
39 Brown Mushroom
40 Red Mushroom
41 Gold Block
42 Iron Block
43 Double Stone Slab
44 Slab
45 Bricks / Fired Bricks
46 TNT
47 Bookshelf
48 Moss Stone
49 Obsidian
50 Torch
51 Fire
52 Monster Spawner
53 Wooden Stairs
54 Chest
55 Redstone Wire
56 Diamond Ore
57 Diamond Block
58 Crafting Table
59 Crops
60 Farmland
61 Furnace
62 Burning Furnace
63 Sign Block
64 Wooden Door Block
65 Ladder
66 Rail
67 Cobblestone Stairs
68 Wall Sign
69 Lever
70 Stone Pressure Plate
71 Iron Door Block
72 Wooden Pressure Plate
73 Redstone Ore
74 Glowing Redstone Ore
75 Unlit Redstone Torch
76 Redstone Torch
77 Button
78 Snow
79 Ice
80 Snow Block
81 Cactus
82 Clay
83 Sugar Cane
84 Jukebox
85 Fence
86 Pumpkin
87 Netherrack
88 Soul Sand
89 Glowstone
90 Portal
91 Jack o’Lantern
92 Cake
93 Redstone Repeater Block
94 Powered Redstone Repeater Block
95 Stained Glass
96 Trapdoor
97 Alpha Grass
98 Secret
99 Secret
100 Plated Stone
101 Sideways Slab along X
102 Sideways Slab along Z
103 Brick Stairs
104 Sandstone Stairs
105 Stone Brick Stairs
106 Scaffolding
107 Stained Planks
108 Cobblestone Wall
109 Blue Glowstone
110 Glowshroom
111 Fiery Mushroom
112 Scorched Sand
113 Nether Ash Ore
114 Nether Uraninite Ore
115 Nether Gold Ore
149 Cobalt Ore
150 Stone Block
151 Cross-Cut Stone Block
152 Side-Cut Stone Block
153 Upright-Cut Stone Block
154 Aluminum Ore
155 Copper Ore
156 Tin Ore
157 Zinc Ore
158 Nickel Ore
159 Bismuth Ore
160 Osmium Ore
161 Tungsten Ore
162 Magnetite Ore
163 Silver Ore
164 Lead Ore
165 Silicon Ore
166 Chrome Ore
167 Anthracite Ore
168 Titanium Ore
169 Uraninite Ore
170 Ruby Ore
171 Onyx Ore
172 Sapphire Ore
173 Emerald Ore
174 Boron Ore
175 Platinum Ore
176 Aluminum Block
177 Copper Block
178 Tin Block
179 Zinc Block
180 Nickel Block
181 Bismuth Block
183 Cobalt Block
184 Tungsten Block
185 Magnetic Block
186 Silver Block
187 Lead Block
188 Silicon Block
189 Chrome Block
190 Titanium Block
191 Uranium Block
192 Ruby Block
193 Sapphire Block
194 Emerald Block
195 Boron Block
196 Platinum Block
199 Steel Block
200 Oil
201 Stationary Oil
210 Osmium Block
211 Onyx Block
223 Brass Block
224 Bronze Block
225 Small Stone Bricks
226 Secret
227 Pebble
228 T-Cut Stone Bricks
229 Blue Mushroom / Purple Mushroom
230 Brick Oven
231 Burning Brick Oven
232 Fence Gate
251 Tinted Glass
252 Barrier / Support Block
253 Light Source


ID Item
256 Iron Shovel
257 Iron Pickaxe
258 Iron Axe
259 Flint and Steel
260 Apple
261 Bow
262 Arrow
263 Coal
264 Diamond
265 Iron Ingot
266 Gold Ingot
267 Iron Sword
268 Wooden Sword
269 Wooden Shovel
270 Wooden Pickaxe
271 Wooden Axe
272 Stone Sword
273 Stone Shovel
274 Stone Pickaxe
275 Stone Axe
276 Diamond Sword
277 Diamond Shovel
278 Diamond Pickaxe
279 Diamond Axe
280 Stick
281 Bowl
282 Mushroom Stew
283 Golden Sword
284 Golden Shovel
285 Golden Pickaxe
286 Golden Axe
287 String
288 Feather
289 Gunpowder
290 Wooden Hoe
291 Stone Hoe
292 Iron Hoe
293 Diamond Hoe
294 Golden Hoe
295 Seeds
296 Wheat
297 Bread
298 Leather Cap
299 Leather Tunic
300 Leather Pants
301 Leather Boots
302 Chain Helmet
303 Chain Chestplate
304 Chain Leggings
305 Chain Boots
306 Iron Helmet
307 Iron Chestplate
308 Iron Leggings
309 Iron Boots
310 Diamond Helmet
311 Diamond Chestplate
312 Diamond Leggings
313 Diamond Boots
314 Golden Helmet
315 Golden Chestplate
316 Golden Leggings
317 Golden Boots
318 Flint
319 Raw Porkchop
320 Cooked Porkchop
321 Painting
322 Golden Apple
323 Sign
324 Wooden Door
325 Bucket
326 Water Bucket
327 Lava Bucket
328 Minecart
329 Saddle
330 Iron Door
331 Redstone Dust
332 Snowball
333 Boat
334 Leather
335 Milk
336 Brick
337 Clay
338 Reeds
339 Paper
340 Book
341 Slimeball
342 Minecart with Chest
343 Minecart with Furnace
344 Egg
345 Compass
346 Fishing Rod
347 Clock
348 Glowstone Dust
349 Raw Fish
350 Cooked Fish
351 Dye
352 Bone
353 Sugar
354 Cake
355 Bed
356 Redstone Repeater
357 Cookie
358 Map
359 Shears
454 Titanium Ingot
455 Steel Ingot
456 Aluminum Ingot
457 Anthracite
458 Copper Ingot
459 Tin Ingot
460 Bismuth Ingot
461 Zinc Ingot
462 Nickel Ingot
463 Cobalt Ingot
464 Tungsten Ingot
465 Magnet
466 Silver Ingot
467 Lead Ingot
468 Silicon Ingot
469 Chrome Ingot
470 Cooked Egg
471 Uranium Ingot
472 Ruby
473 Sapphire
474 Emerald
475 Platinum Ingot
476 Boron Ingot
477 Brass Ingot
478 Bronze Ingot
479 Aluminum Pickaxe
481 Copper Pickaxe
482 Tin Pickaxe
483 Bismuth Pickaxe
484 Zinc Pickaxe
485 Nickel Pickaxe
486 Cobalt Pickaxe
487 Tungsten Pickaxe
489 Silver Pickaxe
490 Lead Pickaxe
491 Silicon Pickaxe
492 Chrome Pickaxe
493 Titanium Pickaxe
494 Steel Pickaxe
495 Ruby Pickaxe
496 Sapphire Pickaxe
498 Platinum Pickaxe
499 Boron Pickaxe
500 Brass Pickaxe
501 Bronze Pickaxe
502 Aluminum Shovel
503 Copper Shovel
504 Tin Shovel
505 Bismuth Shovel
506 Zinc Shovel
507 Nickel Shovel
508 Cobalt Shovel
509 Tungsten Shovel
510 Silver Shovel
511 Lead Shovel
512 Silicon Shovel
513 Chrome Shovel
514 Titanium Shovel
515 Ruby Shovel
516 Sapphire Shovel
517 Emerald Shovel
518 Platinum Shovel
519 Boron Shovel
520 Brass Shovel
521 Bronze Shovel
522 Aluminum Sword
523 Copper Sword
524 Tin Sword
525 Bismuth Sword
526 Zinc Sword
527 Nickel Sword
528 Cobalt Sword
529 Tungsten Sword
530 Silver Sword
531 Lead Sword
532 Silicon Sword
533 Chrome Sword
534 Titanium Sword
535 Ruby Sword
536 Sapphire Sword
537 Emerald Sword
538 Platinum Sword
539 Boron Sword
540 Brass Sword
541 Bronze Sword
542 Aluminum Hoe
543 Copper Hoe
544 Tin Hoe
545 Bismuth Hoe
546 Zinc Hoe
547 Nickel Hoe
548 Cobalt Hoe
549 Tungsten Hoe
550 Silver Hoe
551 Lead Hoe
552 Silicon Hoe
553 Chrome Hoe
554 Titanium Hoe
555 Ruby Hoe
556 Sapphire Hoe
557 Emerald Hoe
558 Platinum Hoe
559 Boron Hoe
560 Brass Hoe
561 Bronze Hoe
562 Aluminum Axe
563 Copper Axe
564 Tin Axe
565 Bismuth Axe
566 Zinc Axe
567 Nickel Axe
568 Cobalt Axe
569 Tungsten Axe
570 Silver Axe
571 Lead Axe
572 Silicon Axe
573 Chrome Axe
574 Titanium Axe
575 Ruby Axe
576 Sapphire Axe
577 Emerald Axe
578 Platinum Axe
579 Boron Axe
580 Brass Axe
581 Bronze Axe
582 Steel Shovel
583 Steel Hoe
584 Steel Axe
585 Aluminum Helmet
586 Copper Helmet
587 Tin Helmet
588 Bismuth Helmet
589 Zinc Helmet
590 Nickel Helmet
591 Cobalt Helmet
592 Tungsten Helmet
593 Silver Helmet
594 Silicon Helmet
595 Chrome Helmet
596 Titanium Helmet
597 Ruby Helmet
598 Sapphire Helmet
599 Emerald Helmet
600 Platinum Helmet
601 Boron Helmet
602 Brass Helmet
603 Bronze Helmet
604 Steel Helmet
605 Aluminum Chestplate
606 Copper Chestplate
607 Tin Chestplate
608 Bismuth Chestplate
609 Zinc Chestplate
610 Nickel Chestplate
611 Cobalt Chestplate
612 Tungsten Chestplate
613 Silver Chestplate
614 Silicon Chestplate
615 Chrome Chestplate
616 Titanium Chestplate
617 Ruby Chestplate
618 Sapphire Chestplate
619 Emerald Chestplate
620 Platinum Chestplate
621 Boron Chestplate
622 Brass Chestplate
623 Bronze Chestplate
624 Steel Chestplate
625 Aluminum Leggings
636 Copper Leggings
637 Tin Leggings
638 Bismuth Leggings
639 Zinc Leggings
640 Nickel Leggings
641 Cobalt Leggings
642 Tungsten Leggings
643 Silver Leggings
644 Silicon Leggings
645 Chrome Leggings
646 Titanium Leggings
647 Ruby Leggings
648 Sapphire Leggings
649 Emerald Leggings
650 Platinum Leggings
651 Boron Leggings
652 Brass Leggings
653 Bronze Leggings
654 Steel Leggings
655 Aluminum Boots
656 Copper Boots
657 Tin Boots
658 Bismuth Boots
659 Zinc Boots
660 Nickel Boots
661 Cobalt Boots
662 Tungsten Boots
663 Silver Boots
664 Silicon Boots
665 Chrome Boots
666 Titanium Boots
667 Ruby Boots
668 Sapphire Boots
669 Emerald Boots
670 Platinum Boots
671 Boron Boots
672 Brass Boots
673 Bronze Boots
674 Steel Boots
675 Dynamite
676 Cheese
677 Steel Sword
678 Secret
679 Secret
680 Secret
681 Secret
682 Secret
683 Secret
684 Secret
685 Secret
686 Secret
687 Writable Book
688 Written Book
689 Secret
690 Osmium Ingot
691 Osmium Pickaxe
693 Osmium Hoe
694 Osmium Shovel
695 Osmium Sword
696 Osmium Axe
697 Osmium Helmet
698 Osmium Chestplate
699 Osmium Leggings
700 Osmium Boots
701 Oil Bucket
702 Tall Grass
703 Telescope
704 Secret
705 Wrench
706 Onyx
707 Onyx Pickaxe
708 Onyx Hoe
709 Onyx Shovel
710 Onyx Sword
711 Onyx Axe
712 Onyx Helmet
713 Onyx Chestplate
714 Onyx Leggings
715 Onyx Boots
716 Blue Glowstone Dust
717 Nether Ash
718 Spawn Egg
721 Music Disc

C418 - dog

722 Music Disc

Snuppeluppen - painful nostalgia

723 Magnetic Pickaxe
724 Magnetic Hoe
725 Magnetic Shovel
726 Magnetic Sword
727 Magnetic Axe
728 Magnetic Shears
2256 Music Disc

C418 - 13

2257 Music Disc

C418 - Cat

2258 Music Disc

C418 - Blocks

2259 Music Disc

C418 - Chirp

2260 Music Disc

C418 - Far

2261 Music Disc

C418 - Mall

2262 Music Disc

C418 - Mellohi

2263 Music Disc

C418 - Stal

2264 Music Disc

C418 - Strad

2265 Music Disc

C418 - Ward

2266 Music Disc

C418 - 11

2267 Music Disc

C418 - Wait

2268 Music Disc

Lena Raine - Pigstep

2269 Secret